2023 I’m Coming For You!!

Happy New Year kinksters.

There’s everything to play for…literally.

I generally like to kick start proceedings as I mean to go on – in the most exquisite thigh-high boots, aimed right at your sweet spot.

2022 was predictably another busy year in my dungeon.  There were adventures of the most Malicious kind.  There were delicious predicaments and untold cruelty mixed with the kinkiest creativity.  There were moments of tenderness too, of the deepest surrender and the need for comfort and reassurance or sweet rewards.  There was also life drawing and a slave sushi table but perhaps these are tales for another day.

So, what will 2023 hold?

January is a time for fresh starts, fresh blood and shiny resolutions. It’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut. So why not change one small thing or try one new activity and see what ensues?

There’s the classic diet and exercise overhauls but I also urge you to consider (or re-consider) your submission and your BDSM journey too.  Are there slave skills which still need honing? Or perhaps you might reflect upon your kinky limits and set your sights on some new adventures and explorations?  Of course, I’m always happy to assist with all of  the above.  After all, what is life without new experiences and goals to aim towards?

As for me, well I thought you’d never ask. I desire…

Screams of ‘mercy’ Mistress, obsequious adoration, lascivious pleasures, and consensual captivity of your compliant mind, your feeble body and your supplicant soul.  Oh, and adventures…let them be luxurious and cinematic, vivid and intoxicating.  Let them play into my elegant hands and on my fertile mind and imagination.  After all the limitations of the past few years, now feels like the time to cast the kinky net far and wide.

And as George Lucas rightly said: ‘We are all living in a cage with the door open wide.’

Where You Belong!?

Talking of cages, late last year, my dungeon saw a refit with some stunning new additions to my already extensive arsenal.  All things horizontal gave way to the vertical, in the form of an upright bondage board and a particularly imposing standing cage.  You might have caught a glimpse of the latter in my Halloween blog.  Both have endless possibilities.  I’m looking forward to exploring each and every one with my willing captives.

I’m also really looking forward to starting some new slave journeys.  If you’ve been wishing, hoping and praying for the chance to serve me, now is the time to impress with a dazzling letter of introduction, an open mind and an enthusiasm for experience.

And of course, I can’t wait to see all the established slaves in my stable too.  Be warned, I’ll be pushing you harder than ever, and my expectations will be sky high too.  Do not disappoint me.

I’ll be updating the Self-Portraits section in my gallery with some entrancing new images of amazing new outfits and high heels.  And if I’ve got the time, I will be devising some entertaining new role plays.  Perhaps you’d like to make a suggestion? I was going to say ‘sensible’ suggestion but in my experience some of the most amusing role plays are far from sensible.  Squid Game, Batman and The House of Lords all come to mind.

Well, I believe that sets the scene for a most rewarding 2023.  Let the fun commence!