Latex: The Power and The Perversion

I will never forget the day I lost my latex cherry.

It was during my Mistress training and the slave concerned had requested total rubber coverage.  This was all very new to me, but I was up for embracing anything and everything…especially dressing up in truly kinky style.  Nothing changes there.

I held the limp catsuit aloft and turned it every which way, as if asking it to solve the many mysteries of the universe. It looked ominously and unforgivingly back at me, a black hole, a mass of the darkest matter.

Which bits of me went in first? How much lube should I use? Would this strange slimy outfit fit me…suit me?

What felt like hours later, perspiring and slightly breathless, I finished smoothing out the creases before realising the front zip was actually the back zip.

Take 2.


Shinier than an oil slick, I stared at my gleaming vision in the mirror.  I marvelled at and admired my sleek silhouette.  Creature like.  Every curve was emphasised, and enhanced.  And fucking hell, did I love what and who I saw staring back at me.

The aesthetic was one thing, the tactility was another entirely.  My still slick hands traced the lucent contours, removing any remaining hint of a crease until I was as smooth as steamed silk.  All the while, the warming rubber hugged and kissed my body.

An addiction was born.

Bring Out The Gimp

Given its orgasmic qualities, perhaps it’s no surprise that latex is a milky white fluid which oozes its way into the world.  Wipe clean. Waterproof.  The ritual of dressing in it is a uniquely erotic exercise in itself.

Firstly preparing your body with luscious lubricant, massaging it into every inch. Next comes the gathering and stretching of the garment, until you’re coated in a sleek second skin.  And finally, the smoothing and polishing process (more lube please) until you’re a truly glistening, and glossy vision indeed.

Latex must surely be the most multi-sensory of materials….that unique smell, the delicious taste, the distinctive sounds and of course the slippery and sublime sensations as it embraces and squeezes you, simultaneously sucking in and pushing out. A heady cocktail of restriction coupled with freedom. You can’t help but be continually aware of its presence.

‘I associate rubber with being constricting and unforgiving. So tight, it forces you into the moment.  It focuses you on every feeling, and heightens your physical senses whilst also making the mind docile.’ Gimp KG

Tabula Rasa

I have been lucky enough to witness, advise and assist many others in discovering a similar sense of ecstasy and elation I felt on that fateful first day.

Most nervous newbies also expect to look like they’ve lost a fight with a bin bag from outer space. Yet still, they emerge triumphant and transformed.  A new self, or a ‘true’ self is unleashed, a joyous metamorphosis indeed.

Whether it’s a total transformation – a slick-suited and booted gimp, rubber maid or body-bagged torture toy, or a mere hint in the form of a stocking or a glove…the profound effect is both empowering and transformative.

Latex can both amplify and objectify.  And with such objectification comes a sense of anonymity or otherness.  A latex-clad alter ego is born, casting away everyday insecurities and embracing a shiny new identity.

‘I definitely don’t see myself as a person, it’s about being free within the restricting rubber.  Brain switched off and full focus on total obedience. I make it my soul purpose to entertain, to accept and to please.’  Gimp KG

So…whether it’s the shape-shifting fluidity, the shadow-lurking connotations, the sheer visceral statement, or simply the perfect foundation for unleashing your inner slut, I urge you to embrace the allure of latex.  And I promise it will embrace in return.

You’re bound to shine!!

Happy Birthday KG