Signing off For the Season…

Well another year has whizzed past, sometimes limping pathetically, sometimes strutting with impressive swagger.  Thankfully though it’s been punctuated by more than masks and pandemic mayhem.  Despite the obvious limitations, it’s still brimmed over with infinite sadism, excessive amounts of teasing, abductions of unsuspecting subjects and an army of breathtakingly sinister sexy characters…I’m talking about the many and varied incarnations of Malice obviously.

And now it’s time for me and my whip to hibernate for a week or two.  But I’ll leave you with a little festive feast for thought.  I’m going to sign off with a musing on Mistletoe….you’ll see it dangling above my shiny new thigh high boots in my festive photo.  Well a little research shows that Mistletoe and ME are a match made in heaven….or should that be hell?

The tradition of hanging Mistletoe dates back to the ancient Druids who believed it brought good luck and helped to ward off evil spirits.  In Norse mythology is symbolised love.  And the ancient Greeks, advanced as they were, used it to relieve pain.  These days it’s a symbol of romance, and a teasing invite to plant a precious kiss on whoever or indeed whatever lies beneath.

However delightful it is though, it’s far from dull.  It’s semi-parasitic in nature, extracting minerals and water from its chosen host tree.  And it’s poisonous too.  An ingested berry can result in drowsiness, hallucinations and spontaneous emissions.

One minute you’re closing your eyes and puckering up, the next you’re waking up in a surreal haze, still sleepy and entirely incapacitated.  Is it the rope entangling your body or that bloody berry which somehow fell into your open mouth? Seriously, what are the chances?

So do come closer for that kiss but be prepared to pay the ultimate price and find yourself entirely at my mercy.

Wishing all my slaves and admirers a very merry and magical Christmas.  Thank you for…just being you.  Let’s ring in the New Year with hopes and dreams of dark fantasies coming to fruition and libidinous resolutions aplenty.  I’ll be back in January!