The BDSM Butterfly Effect

Putting the Flutter in Fetish
Can someone please tell me how we find ourselves in late July? It only feels like two minutes since I posted my last Blog, and I now realise (courtesy of begging slaves) it has been two whole months. What a curious year it’s been so far. Sometimes I feel like I’ve woken up in a parallel universe or a Lynchian dystopia. I don’t think anyone can be under the illusion that it’s not been a testing few months but equally there have been certain glimmers of light which have made my sadistic spirits soar during these dark times.
With this in mind, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all those amazing slaves who reached out and insisted on helping out. There are givers, and there are takers in this world (you know who you are) and thankfully the majority of my minions have fallen into the former camp. I’ve received poems and vouchers, morale boosting sentiments, songs, thoughtful gifts and selfless gestures aplenty. This really has made my heart sing in so many ways. It proves that I’ve got some exceptionally lovely and well-trained slaves in my stable. I never fail to underestimate what incredible, sacred and special relationships are forged in the fires of BDSM but this has proven it once and for all. I’m a very lucky, and appreciative Mistress….equally yes of course I deserve it.
BDSM is never far from my mind but Lockdown has dictated that it’s been somewhat out of my clutches. I have been forced to sit in the sunshine, sow some seeds and soak up some vitamin D….my inner blood-sucking vampire bat has morphed into a fluttering butterfly. But not for long. All the while I have been plotting and planning future sadistic exploits to sink my teeth into when opportunity allows.
Float like a Butterfly….Sting like a Bitch!
I have desperately missed your cowering and grovelling, the laughter, the impaling, the thrashing, oh and those pathetic whimpers too. I have longed to pace around my slave-filled cage, rattling my crop melodically on the cold, hard bars, knowing my captive is trembling with fear and excitement. Or to recline in my throne as my sublime stilettos are showered with attention and adoration.
And whilst sadistic desires have never been far from my mind, I have rarely been out of yours. I have pulled capriciously on the puppet strings of your kinky consciousness, intensifying the web of obsession within which you’ve become entangled. There is no escape from my clutches as your nocturnal fantasies bleed into your day dreams, the sharp sense of your enslavement ever-present and insatiable.
And now it’s time to make up for all the lost worship, suffering, helplessness and humiliation and get back to the business of BDSM. As present I am resuming play, albeit on a somewhat limited basis in order to keep everyone safe and well. Please email me for further details.
And if you’re unable to visit me at present, then do keep in touch. And please save up all your kinky compulsions for a time when I can finally get my claws into your feeble flesh once again.