And quite the rocket it is too, inspiring all sorts of impressive bangs and explosions. Who needs to stand shoved and shivering at the side of the Thames (trying vainly to text with woolly gloves on), when this kind of awe-inspiring display can be experienced in the warmth of your own home (gloves a kinky but non-essential accessory).
Despite a little delay (and a sizeable tantrum) the above has arrived and detonated just in time to welcome in 2015 and all the fresh fun and frolics it will bring with it. I can’t exactly read the future, but if there’s one thing I know it’s that certain kinky qualities are firmly on my personal menu. Keep an eye on my gallery in the next few weeks for a little taster.
I’m wishing everyone an amazing, Alicious, Malicious, delicious New Year. I hope it brings you health, happiness….and hedonism at my heels!