And so the winter is upon us. Leaves line the pavements and the sun has gone all shy. Whilst putting my clock back yesterday, I was tempted to rewind it all the way to September. Is that an option? The last few months have whizzed-by faster than my flog after a double espresso, leaving me playing catch-up once again and trying to claw back lost time. On the plus side, the summer may be a distant memory but the season of scares, fur, flickering fires and bitchy boots is now upon up us.
Thankfully the seasons don’t penetrate the thick red curtains or the perennial debauchery of my dungeon. However this Autumn has still resulted in some lost leaves….and the departure of two long-serving (and suffering) slaves. A dog and a doormat have returned from whence they came and will be sorely missed. One of them was thoughtful enough to contribute a little something to my taxidermy zoo…which will be making an appearance on my blog very soon…along with a few other delicacies too.
OF COURSE I have a little treat up my sleeve for Saturday’s fright-fest. But in the mean time here is a rather fetching artwork from my very talented slave to whet your appetite for all things Halloween.