So it’s goodbye summer. And hello bright new term and all the exciting possibilities it brings…namely a refreshed regime of discipline and punishment, and a wardrobe bursting with new boots. And leather. And latex. And kinky toys.

September is my very favourite month – before the tan fades and the leaves fall – its slow descent into all-things opaque fills me with nefarious excitement. And as I’ve just this minute returned from a trip to sunny Miami, I’ve definitely had my fill of vitamin D and now feel over-eager to slink back into the shadows.

Talking of all things dark, I just wanted to touch base with my blog in order to show off a brand new photo. So many shades of shiny black in one image merits some serious celebration. It will be making its way to the main pages of my website very soon. And additional new images and posts will be appearing imminently too.

Well my poor cane is still crammed into my suitcase. I think it deserves some fresh air before it returns to my dungeon on Monday. And maybe a swish or six – there’s no better way to beat jet-lag…or anything else for that matter!